Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Common Elements Of Creation Myth

In every myth there must be common elements when we read it. How do people think about the same ideas? Where did myth come from? There are common elements such as human made out of clay or mud, supreme ruler, sacrifices and the chaos. When we read some myth around the world they are always related to religions and culture. Like in the Greek myth the god makes people by clay. I think I saw the exact same information in the bible too. But not every myth say that people were made out of clay or mud some say that humans were made out of tear of a god or blood. There are some sacrifices to make thing like in the Pan-Ku story which is Chinese myth. He scarifies to make things and after he died humans suffer. “Before anything existed there were the darkness, water and the great god Bumba.” This is the very first line of African creation myth. As you see there is a word call darkness or chaos. Why did people think that there was always the darkness or chaos? They also can say that there was at least sun and moon. I think every myth is come from someone’s curiosity. They might have been curious about who created them also religions too.


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